Practice, play and discovery are essential to building a sustainable practice that supports your work as an artist.

You deserve a safe space to discover who you are.

A space where you can fall in love with your art.

There is a lot of pressure from the industry to prove that you are talented. We are not in the business of pressure or product. We’re in the business of exploration, curiosity, and truthful moments.

Practising at MAP is a form of self-love and a gift to your artist. It creates moments of magic and infinitely expands your range and potential as an actor & artist.

Let’s collaborate, to help you find your way as an artist.

  • Jake Epstein - Actor, Singer, Writer Umbrella Academy, Hardy Boys, Suits, designated survivor

    “Meredith is more than just an acting teacher and coach. She’s like a ginormous telescopic guide that can see parts of you that you didn’t know were there. Since taking her class, not only has my work gotten deeper and braver, but I feel healthier as an artist. “

  • Stephanie Morgenstern - Showrunner, Director, Actor, Writer - Flashpoint, X Company

    “Meredith’s technique is all about courage, humility, playfulness, trust, and truth.  It invites you into a fuller and more adventurous expression of your self, and a more resilient and wholesome relationship with your actual art, which is, in fact, much more likely to get you work.”

  • lachele carl - Actor - Anansi boys, avenue 5, Dr. Who, batman

    “Meredith’s class has helped me to be more confident and trusting of myself as an artist, and has changed the way I respond to this industry in everything from self tapes to being on set. It’s a constant learning process, there’s no magic wand, and it’s deep work. I honestly feel blessed to have a teacher such as Meredith to guide me on my artist’s path.”